Wednesday 10 November 2010

Farewell loom...for now

My loom is in bits. Lots of lovely chunky wooden bits. My goodness it was dusty!

There's a very good reason for the "in-bitness" of the loom, because my weaving room has been turned into "packing central". I've accepted a job offer that was too good to refuse and will be making a major international move in a couple of weeks. When I finally land on my feet, it will be in Hobart, Australia.

So that's the last I'm going to see of my loom for the next 3-6 months. The next time it emerges, it will be an antipodean!


  1. Exciting! Hope your loom enjoys the new scenery.

    It looks kind of like my loom at the moment, I'm hoping mine doesn't take that long to be back in one piece though.

  2. Tassie! That's so much closer to New Zealand.
